Adobe App Design Course Presentation

A few nights ago, I had the pleasure of presenting to an Adobe Education Exchange class on “App Design”, specifically using Adobe tools like Brackets and PhoneGap Build.  It’s a neat concept - a 2 week course, taught 100% remotely over Adobe Connect at night (7pm CST in this case).  I was happy to spread the word about PhoneGap Build!  

I presented for 10 minutes on how I used tools like PhoneGap Build to create Fitwatchr and gave some advice for beginners.  Afterwards there was a 5 minute Q&A session.  This was a lot of fun! There were tons of questions regarding how Fitwatchr works and even a bunch on the mobile industry, the state of wearable technology, and more.

You can see my slides on GitHub here.  If you attended the class and have any follow-up questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!

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